Who we are
We are committed to providing a Haven – a safe, welcoming and secure space of relaxation
We are a Christian organisation started in 1998 by Rev. Paula Mayer in Paignton as the result of a Lenten ecumenical group.
At the heart of Paignton for the people of Torbay
Run by volunteers. The team is currently 10 and we need more. They cover a range of skills, age and experience. The team is always changing as members move on to other fields, paid employment or simply retire.
Committed to helping people move on from what are often troubled, chaotic, unhappy or lonely situations.
Affirming dignity, creating hope: Central to our approach is the belief that every individual is unique. We offer physical, spiritual and social support in a non- judgmental fashion in order to help every visitor to change and reach a better place and have the life they hope for. We respect and honour their right to make their own choices.
Accepting of all regardless of their history, race, gender, orientation or religion.
Prayer based: Various groups around the Bay pray for the work of The Haven on a regular basis.
Financed entirely by gifts from local churches and individuals. Dependent on the churches and people of Paignton who make donations of money food and clothing, and who offer themselves as volunteers.
A trust – a registered charity with a board of trustees